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Wether your a landlord or a managing agent we can carry out your EICR’s at short notice and a reasonable cost. For a quick quote please contact us.
Did you know that there is a legal onus on all landlords to have a electrical installation condition report in place. The government have also laid down the law that all existing tenancies will require a EICR report by April 2021. Failure to have one could result in legal action being taken against you by the local authority. If your property fails it’s EICR then you have 28 days from the test date to carry out remedial works.
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- The inspection will find out if:
- any electrical installations are overloaded.
- there are any potential electric shock risks and fire hazards.
- there is any defective electrical work.
- there is a lack of earthing or bonding – these are 2 ways of preventing electrical shocks that are built into electrical installations.
[/bt_bb_text][/bt_bb_accordion_item][bt_bb_accordion_item title=”Is it law that I get an EICR?” number=””][bt_bb_text]
The majority of landlords are proactive when it comes to ensuring the safety of their tenants and make a welcome contribution to the housing market. But a minority fail to do so, putting their tenants in danger as a result.
These new Regulations require landlords to have the electrical installations in their properties inspected and tested by a person who is qualified and competent, at least every 5 years. Landlords have to provide a copy of the electrical safety report to their tenants, and to their local authority if requested.
This means that all landlords now have to do what good landlords already do: make sure the electrical installations in their rented properties are safe.
The Regulations came into force on 1 June 2020 and form part of the Department’s wider work to improve safety in all residential premises and particularly in the private rented sector.
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The regulations came into force on 1 June 2020, they apply to new tenancies from 1 July 2020 and existing tenancies from 1 April 2021. The relevant date for determining when the new requirements apply is the date on which the tenancy is granted. A new tenancy is one that was granted on or after 1 June 2020.
You may wish to seek advice if you are not clear on which date a tenancy was granted. Shelter and Citizen’s Advice provide advice on their websites.
If a private tenant has a right to occupy a property as their only or main residence and pays rent, then the Regulations apply. This includes assured shorthold tenancies and licences to occupy.
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The ‘fixed’ electrical parts of the property, like the wiring, the socket-outlets (plug sockets), the light fittings and the consumer unit (or fuse box) will be inspected. This will include permanently connected equipment such as showers and extractors.
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The electrical installation should be safe for continued use. In practice, if the report does not require investigative or remedial work, the landlord will not be required to carry out any further work.
Inspectors will use the following classification codes to indicate where a landlord must undertake remedial work.
- Code 1 (C1): Danger present. Risk of injury. The electrical inspector may make any C1 hazards safe before leaving the property.
- Code 2 (C2): Potentially dangerous.
- Further Investigation (FI): Further investigation required without delay.
- Code 3 (C3): Improvement recommended. Further remedial work is not required for the report to be deemed satisfactory.
If codes C1 or C2 are identified in on the report, then remedial work will be required. The report will state the installation is unsatisfactory for continued use.
If an inspector identifies that further investigative work is required (FI), the landlord must also ensure this is carried out.
The C3 classification code does not indicate remedial work is required, but only that improvement is recommended. Landlords don’t have to make the improvement, but it would improve the safety of the installation if they did.
[/bt_bb_text][/bt_bb_accordion_item][bt_bb_accordion_item title=”How much will it cost?” number=””][bt_bb_text]
Our prices start at £100 for bulk EICRs. For more information please get in touch.
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